Friday, June 17, 2011

How to configure Frame-Relay on GNS3

How to configure Multipoint and Point-To-Point Frame Relay topology on GNS3
Here is the topology I am going to use in GNS3:

1.       Configure the FR1 switch as on the following screen:

2.       Now, it is time to configure R1,R2,R3 serial interfaces:
R1(config)#int s0/0
R1(config-if)#no shut
R1(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
R1(config)#int s0/0.1 multipoint
R1(config-subif)#ip address
R1(config-subif)#frame-relay map ip 101 broadcast
R1(config-subif)#frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast

3.       R2(config)#int s0/0
R2(config-if)#no shut
R2(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
R2(config)#int s0/0.1 multipoint
R2(config-subif)#ip address
R2(config-subif)#frame-relay map ip 201 broadcast

4.       R3(config)#int s0/0
R3(config-if)#no shut
R3(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
R3(config)#int s0/0.1 multipoint
R3(config-subif)#ip address
R3(config-subif)#frame-relay map ip 203 broadcast

Note: Remember when configuring maps, make sure your destination DLCI is your local DLCI and not the remote one!
5.       Ping your neighbors to verify connectivity.

Note: With Point-To-Point we will assign two different /30 subnets, one per each PVC.

Let’s configure the Routers.
1.       R1(config)#int s0/0
R1(config-if)#no shut
R1(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
R1(config)#int s0/0.1 point-to-point
R1(config-subif)#ip address
R1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 101

2.       R1(config)#int s0/0
R1(config-if)#no shut
R1(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
R1(config)#int s0/0.2 point-to-point
R1(config-subif)#ip address
R1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 102

3.       R2(config)#int s0/0
R2(config-if)#no shut
R2(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
R2(config)#int s0/0.1 point-to-point
R2(config-subif)#ip address
R3(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 201

4.       R3(config)#int s0/0
R3(config-if)#no shut
R3(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay
R3(config)#int s0/0.1 point-to-point
R3(config-subif)#ip address
R1(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 202

5.       Ping your neighbors to verify the connectivity.
6.       ENJOY!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to install LAMP and Cacti on Ubuntu 10.10 - few easy steps!

This tutorial will show you how to install Cacti on Ubuntu 10.10 workstation. This tutorial assumes you know how to install Ubuntu 10.10. If you have never installed it, it is really easy, just download the .ISO file, from, burn it to CD, boot the PC and follow the installation.
LAMP and Cacti on Ubuntu 10.10
1.       After installing Ubuntu Workstation 10.10 do the following:
2.       Go to the terminal and install tasksel (debian installation software)
                sudo apt-get install tasksel
3.       install LAMP, type the taskel command in terminal
4.       sudo tasksel
5.       Select LAMP Server and click Ok

6.       During the installation  you  will be  asked  to insert the  mysql root  password

7.       After the LAMP installation type the following command:
8.       sudo apt-get install php5 php5-gd php5-mysql
9.       Now, you will start installing cacti, type the following command:
10.   sudo apt-get install cacti-spine
11.   This will start installing cacti and prompt for some questions.

12.   Configuring libphp-adodb option select Ok Enter to Continue.
13.   Select your webserver in this example we are using apache2 select Ok Enter to Continue
14.   Configure database for cacti select Yes Enter to Continue
15.   Enter the root password for your mysql server select Ok Enter to Continue
16.   Enter the password (cacti) for the cacti database,select Ok Enter to Continue

17.   Re-enter your password
18.   This will complete the cacti installation.
19.   At this point you should be able to access cacti by typing http://serverIP/cacti in your browser.
There are plenty of tutorials for Cacti configuration, hopefully I will be able to provide one in the near future. Enjoy!